Contact Us


What is the DMV Independent School Alliance.
An organization dedicated to expanding the knowledge of independent school facility managers in the District, Maryland and Virginia. Providing forum for members to exchange ideas and experiences to further promote efficiencies within the built and learning environment.

What does DMV stand for.
D.C., Maryland, Virginia.

Who is eligible to attend.
Membership is afforded free at no cost to all persons employed by a private educational organization, particularly those within facilities, operations, maintenance and capital planning.

Where and when are meetings held.
The calendar page reflects current schedule.

Have meetings been altered due to COVID-19.

In light of the pandemic, meetings have been held virtually. As of December 2021 in-person meetings will resume. The calendar page reflects current schedule.

 Is there a cost for membership.
There is no cost for membership.

How do I RSVP events.
Click on contact/RSVP noted on home page and respond accordingly.