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Andrew Harrington, Stone Ridge


Tell us about your role. How did you get here.

At Stone Ridge I am responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of 215,000 square feet of infrastructure, capital projects, new construction, event management, campus security, student transportation, and the maintenance of our thirty-five acre Bethesda, MD campus. Prior to my time at Stone Ridge, I spent thirteen years handling facilities and operations for college athletic departments including, Fairfield University, Fordham University, Johns Hopkins University and Georgetown University.  After many years in college athletics I yearned for something more. I transitioned to the District’s Sports & Convention Authority (Events DC).  I worked at RFK Stadium for two years as the director of venue operations before making the transition to Stone Ridge in 2016.


What do you enjoy most about your job

The process of making our buildings and grounds more efficient and appealing to our students and their families through capital projects and various renovation work.  Stone Ridge is beginning to move on its long term Master Planning initiatives. Being a part of this is exciting.


Where do you turn for inspiration

My children. We have two girls at Stone Ridge; our son is at a neighboring independent school. They’re all the inspiration I need in my personal life and in my work at Stone Ridge.  The work I do at Stone Ridge has a direct effect on my kids and all the others we serve.


What does leadership mean to you

Inspiration. I have always been impressed by leaders that inspire employees to engage in their work. I want my employees to care about their work and not just arrive on campus every day to punch a clock. I strive to be the kind of leader that inspires my employees.


What’s your communication style

I try my best to provide an explanation of my work to any faculty or staff member that asks.  Generally, most faculty and staff do not understand what it takes to complete a facilities related task or why my team might prioritize some tasks before others. There is little difference, I suspect, if I stepped into a history class and tried to teach. I always try to communicate the reasons for our actions and the steps we are taking to accomplish tasks. By doing this, my faculty and staff gain an understanding of what my world is like. This process also affords me the opportunity to develop relationships with the faculty and staff that I otherwise may not have had.


What keeps you up at night

Ensuring that our kids are safe. Are the faculty, staff and students prepared? Have we done enough to secure our campus?  The truth is that you are never done preparing.


What are you most proud, particularly among facilities staffers

The progress my team has made since my arrival here at Stone Ridge.  We have transformed this campus (buildings & grounds) and drastically improved customer service as it relates to maintenance and housekeeping requests.  I have also had several employees express interest and follow through on professional development.


What are you currently reading/watching/listening to

My wife and I stream a lot of Netflix content once we finally get the kids to bed in the evenings.  As far as music, I know just about every song from  nearly an Disney film.  These movies are on a constant rotation in our house.


What’s one thing about you that few people know

At a few weeks old, I was adopted. It was a wonderful thing for my parents who had difficulty having children. I do whatever I can to inform friends and family about adoption. There are so many children that need a home in this country. To me, there is no greater gift than bringing a child into your home.


Thank you, Andrew

My pleasure!

Independent School Alliance